Forklift Service, Sales and Rentals 1-800-435-3603

M30 – Large Integrated Ride-On Floor Scrubber-Sweeper

48” Cleaning Path
75 Gallon Solution Tank
95 Gallon Recovery Tank
3” Ground Clearance
Dual Cylinder Brushes
Dimensions: 108” L x 59” W x 58” H
Weight 4000 Pounds

Product Features

We consider the M30 to be the ultimate machine for cleaning contractors that tackle large scrub out tasks. There are a variety of options that will help get the job done in different applications. An integral 2200 PSI power washer option allows your operator to quickly clean walls, corners, and other tight areas. The off-aisle power wand option will vacuum up the water where the machine cannot go.

Productivity is taken to a new level with the M30 Scrubber Sweeper.  The machine scrubs up to a 62” path with the optional scrubbing side brush. The large 75-gallon solution tanks, along with Tennant’s water saving options like “ES” recycling system for extended scrubbing, will keep your operator cleaning instead of dumping and refilling. The ec-H2O electrically converted water option virtually eliminates the need for detergents in some applications. ec-H2O also reduces water usage by about 70%, saving time and money.

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